...getting to where i must.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

never wake, never shake

ha ha ha
let it ride, let this day
ride on
let there be no useless dawn,
for the walk home with
three beers deep
on an empty stomach
is just right for me
to see the truth

the truth is,
pretty girl,
i will love you.
love you tooooooo
all i want is to kiss the back
of your neck at the early dawn,
half asleep,
yet aware,
of the taste of your skin.

so, pretty girls
show me the truth that
resides on the skin on your neck
let me taste it
let tomorrow's dawn
be started with that taste
let me push your hair
out of my way.
your hair gets in the way
of the love i
truly wish to give

let me wake with you,
with someone...