...getting to where i must.

Friday, August 29, 2008

A few bits...

Summer is almost gone in Portland.

A Lesbian told me I "did it" for her the other night.

One of my co-workers stole my Ipod

I want to go to art school more than anything.

What kind of grown man puts honey in their coffee?

I love my Portland friends (the blacks now qualify as "portland friends")

I love and miss my friends who are not here with me

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Familiar Images - The chair

This is my throne. I have occupied this throne for the entirety of my year and a half stay in the Pacific Northwest.
Looking backing, most of the major decisions I have made in my life of late have been made in this chair. "Fuck Portland State. Fuck History. I want to go to art School...I am going to quit Olive Garden...I need to go back to Olive Garden...I hate Journey..." and on and on. I have realized how much I love my friends and family in this chair. I have had countless talks in person and on the phone. I have made my immediate plans for the day I was living in and plans that are going to dictate the course of my future all from this chair. It has kept me company many a drunk night and has nursed me back to health many a hungover morning. I have written song after song on this chair. I don't even want to think how many cigarettes i have smoked and beers i have consumed from this spot.

This photo explains my life of the last year wonderfully. Sloppy, confusing and dirty. But somehow, when looked at all together, it is beautiful. Each element is in harmony with each other. The dirt and grime only add to the color that is my life.

I am happy with my life, and my chair. It is a throne of a Ragamuffin.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Because of the request of my friends, I shall attempt this again...